


90 Days Challenge

Miniature Food



Nicole aka Jiahui's wedding day
Friday, December 24, 2010 23:07

Today is Nicole aka Jiahui's wedding day.
Rosalind and I are invited to attend her wedding dinner.
Yiping couldn't make it last minute.
Missed this chance to celebrate X'mas with Yiping, wasted...
Luckily Rosalind and I have each other...
We were shocked when we realised our table only has 2 of us!
It was so awkward until Lawrence joined our table.
At least there was a guy to accompany us.
Really malu when we were having our food and everyone was staring at us and wondering how are we going to finish the food, etc...

I started to feel excited as mine will be in 2011.
Gonna start to prepare liao!